Thursday, July 07, 2011

Interview with Dorian Soto, Part 1

It's been a while since I've been in here, and I apologize for the lapse in chatter. Frankly, I haven't had many ideas on what to post here, but knowing how I tend to over-edit these things when I finally get around to putting them together, I think I've largely been avoiding it when the ideas have come because I knew that I just didn't have the time.

However, something has come up lately that just may change all that. I recently started recording little vocal bits via the Audioboo service. A lot of it is just talk with friends, but I also plan on talking about various things related to animation, and will toss those up here from time to time. It's a lot easier to babble for five minutes, add some tags, and publish the recording than it is to sit down with the intention of writing a "simple" blog post (which is what this was supposed to be) and not take a half-hour to actually get the thing done. :)

One of the things that I got the bug to do with my Audioboo recordings is interview some of the folks at Reel FX. The first interview that I recorded was with Dorian Soto, who came on board as a contract animator for a couple months. Here's part 1 of that interview. Part 2 should be released shortly.

For more of my Audioboo posts, stop by my Audioboo profile page, where you can listen to them directly, and also find RSS and iTunes links for tracking them via other tools.


Michael Cawood said...

Hey This is cool. I'm checking out the app now. I don't seem to be able to get the iTunes link to work though and can't find it on iTunes.

Justin S Barrett said...

Thanks, Mike! I got the iTunes button to work fine on this end (MacBook Pro & Chrome). I don't think it's something that you can "find" via iTunes. You just point iTunes to the feed URL. You can do it manually by going to the Advanced menu in iTunes and choosing "Subscribe to Podcast". Try this URL: