Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Illustration Friday: Summer

Harold has mixed feelings. He's happy that it's summer. He's sad that his hat is too small to protect him from the sun's burning rays.

Thus begins my venture into the world of Illustration Friday. I won't go into great detail on why drawing frustrates me, but it does. However, I know that I need to practice, even with uber-cheap little doodles like this, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I scratched this out on a sticky-note at work yesterday. I didn't have a specific idea in mind when I began. I just started with the eyes and nose, then doodled my way out from there. Perhaps the sticky-note will be my surface of choice for all these weekly drawings. Hmmm....


Anim8edLuchador said...

I love that drawing. It speaks to your inner animator.... not really.

Anonymous said...

i have mixed feelings about summer myself. i like the simplicity of the drawing.